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Our latest Ofsted Report January 2017 - Outstanding Sixth Form and Good in all other categories

We are delighted to read so much that is positive about the school, affirming all that was said in the Outstanding Inspection by the Diocese of Westminster, November 2016

There is much to celebrate, with many positive comments made; the Outstanding Sixth Form grade, Outstanding grade for Welfare and Safety and  Good in all other categories is a real accolade to our school community and the outcome of a great deal of hard work by staff and governors.

I have extracted some comments below.

  • The headteacher, senior leaders, governors and staff are highly ambitious for the school and its
    pupils. They share the same high aspirations and expect the most from themselves and their
    pupils. This creates a real sense of purpose and puts the interests of pupils first. As a result,
    leadership has a strong impact on pupils’ learning and their life chances.
  • Middle leaders are equally ambitious for their subject and have a clear understanding of the
    school’s priorities. They are held to account for performance in their area and supported
    effectively by senior leaders in equal measure. Inspectors were struck by the morale of staff
    who say that leaders, including the headteacher, are approachable and supportive.
  • Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong and they use this to explain the task and clarify new or
    difficult concepts. This ensures that pupils understand what is expected of them. It also helps
    to create a very positive learning climate in classrooms. Pupils respond especially well to the
    work and their teachers. They are highly motivated, industrious and take pride in their work.
    These attitudes contribute significantly to pupils’ learning.
  • Teachers have high expectations of pupils and translate these into well-planned programmes and challenging
  • The quality of support provided by additional adults in classrooms is often first-rate. Teaching
    assistants and support staff are well briefed by teachers and work effectively with those pupils
    who need extra support. Consequently, they have a positive impact on pupils’ achievements.
  • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted very effectively. The
    school’s Catholic ethos provides a clear moral and spiritual framework and underpins the
    school’s approach to developing pupils’ personal skills and an understanding of the wider
  • Students are confident learners and conduct themselves extremely well in lessons and around
    the school. They are encouraged to develop their social and personal skills most effectively
    through the wide range of opportunities to get involved in the life of the school.