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Collective Worship

Weekly Mass for Students

Every week, on year group rotation, students attend the celebration of Mass. Students are eager to participate as altar servers and readers. Additionally, every week we have an optional Mass open to both students and staff.

Every week, students from the selected year group write bidding prayers for their year group Mass.

Year 7 Welcome Mass

Every year, the new Year 7 cohort are received into the spiritual life of the school by celebrating a Welcome Mass in which parents were invited.  All students receive a bible that is blessed during the Mass.

To mark the end our students’ journey at Cardinal Pole we celebrate a thanksgiving Mass.







Holy Days of Obligation are celebrated across the entire school and all pupils and staff are given the morning off to attend Mass at a local parish. 

Cardinal Reginald Pole Requiem Mass 

We celebrated a beautiful Mass offered for the rest of the soul of our school's namesake, Cardinal Reginald Pole.